Course Duration – 2 Hours (from £25)
Our first aid hero classes are designed for school groups, youth classes, private groups, scouts, Duke of Edinburgh to name a few. The course looks at some of the basic skills of first aid as well as encouraging younger children to gain a more in-depth knowledge of first aid. As they mature they may decide to continue their training on our First Aid Champion course enabling them to learn more in-depth life saving skills.
First Aid education is an invaluable life skill for all ages. It helps develop a child’s self confidence, self esteem as well as gain the ability to cope in emergency situations. It can assist in giving children the ability to keep themselves safe and help others when needed, potentially saving a life.

On this course our younger trainee first aiders will gain knowledge via a workshop scenario on when is it an actual emergency and when to call 999, how to carry out a Primary survey and assess levels of consciousness, how to recognise and deal with choking. They will also gain experience in handling small wounds, burns, breaks and bleeding as well as recognising medical conditions.
This workshop encourages interaction and fun via its practical exercises and gives young children the skills they may need to deal with an emergency that they may face.